What is a Craftsman Style Home?

The Craftsman style of home was born out of the arts and crafts movement after the industrial revolution. As everything began to look like it was made by machines, some wanted to go against the grain and back to a craftsman or handmade appearance.

Most find that a Craftsman style home is a combination a little Asian wood architectural embedded with English rock inspirations and a touch of California styling, but what really makes it a Craftsman Style home? Is it the details on the exterior such as exposed rafters and beams or is it the spacious open areas utilizing natural materials on the interior? Share what you think makes a home a Craftsman.

[thumbnail link=”http://www.millstonechr.com/what-is-the-craftsman-style-home/” target=”_self” alt=”Millstone Craftsman Style” src=”https://dev.springfieldhba.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/craftsman111.jpg”]

According to arts-and-crafts-style.com there are a number exterior and interior characteristics that can help you identify a Craftsman style home. A few of these characteristics are:

  • Generously overhanging eves
  • Stone covered foundation walls and porch supports
  • Stone exterior chimneys
  • Wide exterior window and door casings
  • Windows with multiple paned top sashes and single-paned bottom sashes
  • Porch support columns often extending to ground level
  • Extended rafter ends, sometimes decoratively shaped – (Asian Architecture)
  • Dormer windows and multiple roof planes
  • Open floor plan
  • Natural materials
  • Exposed rafters, joists and beams
  • Natural finishes on wood trim: casing, baseboard and other molding
  • Numorous windows for natural light
  • Earthy colors and harmonious wood tones (warm, cozy, welcoming)

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