Vendor Information Meeting

The 2021 HBA Home Show is upon us and we are excited to deliver the latest information to you. Please join us for this Home Show Vendor Information Meeting to hear timely updates for the upcoming HBA Home Show.

This meeting is for Home Show vendors, and those in charge of set-up for the Home Show. We will review all the info you and your team need to know as you prepare for the Home Show. Attendance by all vendors is Highly Recommended, as we will be sharing the most recent information. We will make time to answer any questions you have about the 2021 HBA Home Show as well.

Join Vendor Zoom Meeting
Please Read Info Below
  • Tuesday, April 27
  • 10am-11am
  • Via Zoom
Please use your company name to identify yourself.
You will be placed in a waiting room and only admitted if you can be identified.

*Highly recommended, but not required