Build My Future

Workforce development is critical – but, how do we connect with the next generation of workers?

One fantastic opportunity is the Build My Future event. This event is a One Day Construction Career Day targeting high school students.

The inaugural Build My Future event in the Springfield market attracted almost 800 high school students from 40 different schools in 10 counties. The students spent the day interacting with individuals employed in the construction industry. Just a few of the activities included making marshmallow guns out of PEX tubing, building bridges with MSU students, operating construction equipment, learning about 3d architecture, etc. But the most important part of the day was the conversations held. Common questions included:

  • What kind of training do I need to…
  • What can I expect my starting wage to be?
  • What is a normal day like?
  • Is there a chance to earn more?

The cost to participate is $100 per vendor and it includes tables, chairs and 5 lunch passes. There are also sponsorship opportunities available, starting at $500.

BMF Exhibitor Booth $100.00
BMF Sponsor Booth Included in Sponsorship Fee
BMF Additional Meals $5.00
BMF Program Sponsor $5,000.00
BMF Master Sponsor $2,500.00
BMF Journeyman Sponsor $1,000.00
BMF Apprentice Sponsor $500.00
Electrical Varies


Please contact Charlyce Ruth to learn more about participating in and/or sponsoring Build My Future.

Planned by the Ozark Region Workforce Development Board and the Build My Future Collaborative.

More information about this event at Build my Future (click here).


Watch Videos of the previous events:

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Build My Future – 2020
The HBA of Greater Springfield is excited about Build My Future 2020. More information coming soon!