News-Leader: Job Prospects in the Ozarks – It’s Looking Up

Local employers in hiring mode, though cautiously

By Didi Tang

The Springfield News-Leader carried a front page story by Didi Tang (complete with accompanying sidebars) on the gradual return of job creation to the Ozarks. Specific sectors were analyized, including an anticipated uptick in job opportunities in the construction field in 2010. HBA of Greater Springfield Matt Morrow was among local officials to comment on the prospects for this year.

The story is not available online, as it is a part of the local paper’s new “NL First in Print” strategy of placing many of its hottest feature news stories only in the physical hard copy of the Springfield News-Leader, with no accompanying Internet version. So, if you want to read this one, you’ll need to pick up a copy of the Sunday, March 14 issue of the Springfield News-Leader.

Click here to find a newstand location to buy the print edition

Click here for an explanation of the new “NL First in Print” strategy from Springfield News Leader Executive Editor Don Wyatt