Our goal this year is to get vendors into the building and setup in the most efficient way possible. In order to make this happen, we will be executing a “Tiered” plan for setup and reserving dock space. The main objective is to get all large displays unloaded into the building before the next tier arrives. Your booth does not need to be set up during your tier, only unloaded.
We will be using SignUpGenius to reserve dock and setup times, but there are a few guidelines we are implementing in regards to signing up for a time:
If your reserved booth is in the 100 Hall of the Expo Center, you will be receiving an email with instructions and information on your designated tier. For example, if you have a booth larger than a 10×10 and are on the outer edges of the 100 Hall (near the lobby), you will most likely be either in Tier 1 or Tier 2, meaning your preferred setup time will be on either Monday or Tuesday.
We understand that your tier assignment may not fall in line with your setup plans, so if you are unavailable on the date that we are suggesting, please contact us to work out another setup time for you. Additionally, please be mindful that if you do not reserve a dock time or show up unannounced, other vendors who reserved time will take priority. In this case, we will also be unable to guarantee when you will be able to use a dock or drive in the building.
Below is a template of the email you will be receiving when we are ready to schedule your setup time:
Tier 1 – Monday (5/3)PMTier 2 – Tuesday(5/4) AM
Please keep in mind that this tiered system is being implemented to ensure all vendors have the time and resources needed to set up as quickly and easily as possible.
Click here to reserve dock time