Health Insurance Update

HealthInsConsortiumv2We would like to give all of our members an update on our pursuit to set up a consortium on behalf of all our members.

Unfortunately, our plans have been put on hold until the Federal Government (Affordable Care Act) decides how to handle associations and consortium health plans.  Many programs have asked for exemptions from parts of the Affordable Care Act.  The government has not responded to these requests, and the insurance companies will not set up any new programs until they get a decision.  The time frame is uncertain at this point and we will keep you updated if/as things progress.  Thank you for your patience.

Are you still trying to figure out the Affordable Care Act and determine what options are available right now? Join us at the HBA office at 3pm on Wednesday, November 6th to learn more. Jeff Baggett with Naught-Naught Insurance Agency will be here to give you a brief overview and to answer all of your questions. Seating is limited – call NOW to reserve your spot (417.881.3711).