HBA Home Show Web Traffic

Website usage was up from 2017 by 3,000 users (11,874 vs 9,823) – Up 21%

New Users – up 21%

Page views were up by more than 3,000, but the average session duration was down drastically –  1 second (Ha!)

Organic Search vs Direct was interesting. Between the two they are still the main way people connect to our site making up 77% of connections, but Direct went up 12% compared to last year (33.8% vs 21.5%). This might indicate that people are remembering the the web address and know how to find the HBA website directly. Google (5%) and KY3 (3%) were the next two sources providing traffic.

Mobile users went up 21%

The largest segment (23%) of users were 55-64 years of age, but it is a gentle stair step downward until the 18-24 segment.

55-64 = 23%

45-54 = 21%

35-44 = 19%

25-34 = 17%

18-24 = 5%