HBA Education Courses 2020

We are excited to share some details on the Education Courses that will be taking place throughout 2020. All of these courses are held at the HBA from 3pm-5pm. To sign up just give us a call at 417-881-3711.

7/16: Course cancelled. Please call 881-3711 if you have questions.

7/30: Building an Engaged Workforce (Business Owner Series)

8/13: Motivating Millennials (Business Leader Series)

8/27: Managing Up (Business Leader Series)

9/10: Transitioning to Leadership (New Leader Series)

9/24: Getting People Motivated (New Leader Series)

10/29: Having a Strategic Mindset (Business Owner Series)

11/19: Effective Meeting and Public Speaking (Business Leader Series)

12/17: Proactive and Prioritizing (New Leader Series)

Register Here