We are excited to share some details on the Education Courses that will be taking place throughout 2020. All of these courses are held at the HBA from 3pm-5pm. To sign up just give us a call at 417-881-3711.
7/16: Course cancelled. Please call 881-3711 if you have questions.
7/30: Building an Engaged Workforce (Business Owner Series)
8/13: Motivating Millennials (Business Leader Series)
8/27: Managing Up (Business Leader Series)
9/10: Transitioning to Leadership (New Leader Series)
9/24: Getting People Motivated (New Leader Series)
10/29: Having a Strategic Mindset (Business Owner Series)
11/19: Effective Meeting and Public Speaking (Business Leader Series)
12/17: Proactive and Prioritizing (New Leader Series)
Register Here