Fuel up with your HBA friends for a night of giving back. Home Builders Association Greater Springfield believes everyone has something to give, and every act of generosity counts. We believe that building a strong community starts small with making a difference locally. So this year, HBA Greater Springfield has partnered with ‘Least of These,’ a full-service food pantry serving Christian County for a festive night of volunteering. Please join us for the 2021 HBA Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 7, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Least of These Food Pantry 1720 W James River Rd, Ozark, MO 65721. The cost is $15 per person and is invoiced by RSVP to events@hbaspringfield.com.
Our Goal is to pack & write 300 Holiday Cards & Food Bags
Additional tasks requested by Least of These are listed below. Would you please let us know at the time of RSVPing if you would like to participate?
Building repair/construction
- Patch drywall holes | 2-3 people
- Touch up paint | 2-3 people
- Fix/look at gas fireplace (probably igniter) | 1 person
- Lay railroad ties for parking gravel lot | 5 people
Spruce Up the Pantry Tasks
- Organize office supply room | 2 people
- Sanitize high-touch surfaces | 2-3 people
- Sweep and mop coolers | 2 people
- Clean/sanitize rolling carts and bins | 2-3 people
- Spruce up the volunteer breakroom | 2-3 people
- Dust ventilation | 2-4 people
- Pull out pallets and sweep and mop behind | 6-7 people
- Clean windows | 2 people
Please note that it is recommended to wear “work” clothes and closed-toed shoes, and children 12 and up have parental supervision.
A special thank you to all our Sponsors who make this holiday night of festivities possible

The HBA of Greater Springfield is the voice and advocate for construction professionals leading the way to protect and promote housing and preserve the American dream of home ownership.
Springfield, MO 65807
HBA Office (417) 881-3711
HOURS: Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Your source for HBA Home Pros – Quality Insured Home Professionals.