Updated E-City and Plan Review Submittal
Building Development Services, Information Systems and other departments within the City of Springfield have been working very hard in making some much needed changes to eCity, their forward facing software that is used mainly for requesting inspections and applying for permits. The program was updated November 19th with an improved look and simpler platform. Their goal is to make the process for applications, payments and inspections as smooth and as simple as possible. Some of the changes include:
Simplified Apply Process: Start a Project Wizard page has been replaced by the Apply page. Go straight to the application and submit the information. Redesigned address search feature. The applications have been redesigned based on input from customers.
Improved Dashboard: The dashboard has more information for your application visible, the WIZ number and grouping has been removed and dashboard speed has been improved. Use the filter to search for permits on your dashboard. Quick links to Addendum and Deferred Submittals are now on the dashboard. New timeline of the application process is currently displayed to the customer.
Search: Lookup Record has been renamed to Search.
Public Inspection Requests: Anyone can request an inspection. Prior to this update, only contacts on a permit could request inspections. Click the Request Inspection link in the top navigation bar.
Building Development Services is looking into the future by making plan submittals for residential new construction and residential additions a faster smoother process. This process will include submitting plans to Project Dox, the plan review software. This should eliminate some of the steps that are currently being taken and allow other departments faster notification which would cut review time. The City Building Development Services department are always working to make processes as simple and as smooth as possible.