In the early days of my business, I thought it was too small for the HBA and that the HBA was exclusively homebuilders. I’ve always had the HBA in my sights, my grandfather was the president of his HBA back in the ’60s and ’70s, and so I knew of its importance, just not much more than that. When I joined, I didn’t immediately participate in all the HBA had to offer, but I did start to notice that customers, and potential customer, recognized I was a member. I started to hear “I got your number from the HBA site.” Contact volume increased, and not just leads, but serious leads, leading to building projects. I’ve become confident in advertising through the HBA and I had a successfully 1st time appearance at the HBA Home Show. I believe in the HBA, what it does for its members, and what it means to the community. Now a proud HBA board of directors’ member, I strive to increase the HBA’s presence in the community and be a part of its growth.