NAHB Logo Survey

In September 2007, the NAHB Board of Directors charged the Branding Task Force with developing a strategy to strengthen the NAHB brand in order to meet the increasingly diverse and competitive business challenges we are facing in the future. One component of their research focused on what best represents NAHB visually and whether the Association should revise the current logo which was established in 1942. The Task Force’s recommendation for a new mark was presented at the last Board of Directors meeting in San Diego. At that time, the Board asked the Task Force to create a broader set of concepts for NAHB’s logo for their consideration at the 2009 IBS. Each of those concepts, including the existing NAHB logo, is presented below for your review and input.

Please take a moment to rank them and provide any additional comments you would like in the provided dialog box by clicking here.

Option A

Option A

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Option B

Option B

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Option C

Option C

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Option D

Option D

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