Meeting with Division of Work Comp next step in fair enforcement of insurance requirement

The HBA’s Government Affairs committee is asking local legislators to facilitate a meeting with the Missouri Division of Workers’ Compensation to review the ‘Affidavit of Exemption’ form currently used by any jurisdiction that issues a business license. The goal of the meeting is to pursue any administrative avenue available to petition for changing the form in a way that more accurately defines “employee” under the “doctrine of statutory employment” observed in Missouri (a sole proprietor normally qualifies as having employees if there if they utilize sub-contractors, family members or even volunteers).
While all HBA of Greater Springfield members must carry workers compensation insurance to qualify for membership, many others in the industry mistakenly believe they are exempt from carrying the insurance under Missouri law. For detailed information on the subject, download “Doing Business in Missouri: Hiring Employees,” a publication of the University of Missouri Extension.
In other Government Affairs Committee business:
  • Committee members volunteered to make followup calls to fellow members encouraging them to participate in the CBBT Sporting Clay Shoot as sponsors, shooters, etc.
  • The committee reviewed the NAHB’s position on “Cap and Trade” legislation recently approved by the US House. This bill, which will be taken up by the Senate in September, will have a devastating impact on homeownership and the economy by unnecessarily driving up the cost of new homes.
The HBA Builders Council also discussed these issues. The council also discussed the development of a model form for builders to use to document that a fire sprinkler system was offered to each of their customers (along with any follow up information such as the cost of installation should a buyer request it.) The HBA will send out this model form to builder members prior to August 28 (the day the law becomes effective for new homes meeting the specified criteria).
The council also discussed appraisal issues and made a formal recommendation to the HBA Board of Directors to pursue steps to establish a database containing relevant information about custom homes, which could then be accessed exclusively by professional appraisers. The inclusion of sales information on custom homes would allow for a broader range of potentially comparable homes for appraisers to use when conducting home appraisals. The data should lead to more accurate appraisals.