HBA Board Adopts Policy Regarding Use of the Term “Green”

The HBA Board of Directors has approved a policy for generic reference to “Green” and/or Acceptable Use of HBA “Green” Logos, Artwork, in HBA-owned publications, websites and other electronic media.

“The term ‘green’ is being used in so many different ways right now. It can be very confusing to both those in the industry as well as the consumer. This policy is designed to help clearly define green building for homeowners in a way that directly references the NAHB’s ANSI National Green Building Standard and the Certified Green Professional designation,” said HBA CEO Matt Morrow. “It also reinforces the integrity of that rigorously-vetted Standard and its related professional credential, the CGP.”

Within the context of any HBA-owned publication (such as the event magazine), website and other electronic media, the following references are permitted by builder, remodelor, or developer members of the HBA of Greater Springfield:

1. Any generic reference to “green builder/remodeler” or “green building/remodeling” means the HBA builder/remodeler member holds a current Certified Green Professional Designation. The same would apply to generic references to “green development” by developer members. This includes members who have completed all required course work and documented that they are in the process of finalizing certification with NAHB. In such a situation the person could refer to that completion of course work (for example, in a builder profile for event magazine) but they would need to document to HBA that they have made application w/ NAHB to finalize the certification.

2. Any reference to a “green built” or “green remodeled,” (or similar derivatives thereof) home means the home has been (or is scheduled to be) built or remodeled by an HBA builder/remodeler member with a CGP to the National Green Building Standard (ANSI standard). Allowable references to “green building standards” or “green building verification” by HBA builder/remodeler members would refer to use of the ANSI National Green Building Standard and verification to that standard. Any other references to building standards may not be referred to generically as “green building standards” or “green building verification” but must specifically name the standard of a nationally recognized program which has a verification or certification process, (i.e., Energy Star, LEED-H, etc.)

3. The HBA of Greater Springfield’s locally-designed and controlled artwork and logos for CGP and Verified Green Homes is copyrighted material, which may only be used by members of the HBA of Greater Springfield who meet the requirements outlined in the above stated conditions (1 and 2 above). This provision (3), extends to all usage, and is applicable whether or not the usage is in HBA-owned materials.

The policy is applicable to the HBA’s use of the term in its own publications, electronic media and event promotions as well as any other official statements or media produced/owned directly by the organization. The policy governs the members’ use of the term in those same HBA-owned publications/electronic media.

The policy is being phased in over the remainder of 2010 in HBA-owned events/publications, etc., to provide ample time for members/participants to become familiar with it. The Board and the Green Building Steering Committee will review the policy annually to make any changes or modifications to keep it consistent with NAHB’s green programs, terminology, artwork, etc., or other educational requirements set for by the HBAGS.